2013-2014 Winner of the Dr. George R. Tabor Award - Most Distinguished Camp
Camp Officers

Cmdr. David McCallister
Commander David McCallister was elected the first Commander of the Judah P. Benjamin Camp upon its founding in 2012 by Founding Commander Marion D. Lambert. David Rhodes McCallister joined the Sons of Confederate Veterans ("SCV") in 2009, on the service of Hugh McCallister, of Wakulla Co., FL, who enlisted Oct. 1861 in Co. C., 31st GA Inf., and was wounded at Sharpsburg, captured at Gettysburg, interned at Point Lookout, and surrendered at Appomattox.
Prior to joining the SCV, David was recruited by Gen. Jubal A. Early Camp #556 Cmdr. Marion Lambert for the Hillsborough County Confederate Park Publicity and Defense team, and became heavily involved in that project, as well as the Dedication Day Committee. He served as a Legionnaire in the Camp and upon full membership, he was appointed by Cmdr. Doug Dawson as the Judge Advocate of the Florida Division, and served two terms. He was awarded a Florida Division Certificate of Appreciation. He now serves as the Division's Florida Veterans Hall of Fame Co-Chairman. He has been the Judge Advocate of the Early Camp of the SCV, and its representative at SCV National Reunion, offering a Resolution which passed unanimously.
Cmdr. McCallister was appointed as the Florida Division's delegate to the Oratory Contest in 2010 and 2011, and was awarded the SCV Commendation Medal by Commander-in-Chief R. Michael Givens.
McCallister, a native Floridian, is an estate and family law attorney practicing in Zephyrhills, Florida. He earned a Bachelor's degree in History from Emory University (Atlanta, GA), and his J.D. from Stetson University (St. Petersburg, FL).
1st Lt. Cmdr.
Capt. Phil Walters
A lifelong resident of the Tampa Bay area, 1st. Lt. Commander Capt. Phil Walters is very proud of his agrarian Southern roots. He grew up hunting small game in north Tampa and on his aunt’s farm in Turner County, Georgia. After decades in the beverage business, retiring as a wine consultant, he pursued his attachment to nature by progressing to becoming a notable professional trophy alligator hunting outfitter recognized across the South. Along with his deep interest in defending Southern history and culture, he’s an outspoken activist of fair chase hunting.
Through his father, James W. Walters, Capt. Walters descended from many of South Georgia’s pioneering families, (Harpers, Tuckers, Hendersons, Paulks and Dykes) he entered the Sons of Confederate Veterans upon the service of his great great grandfather, Private Micajah Tucker, Co. A, 7th Btn., Georgia Infantry. Additionally, his family tree includes 3 great, i.e. Uncle Henry Crawford Tucker, a signer of the Georgia Secession Ordinance, multitudes of Confederates (30+ and counting) and multiple Patriots of the Revolutionary War.
Compatriot Walters has defended Southern Heritage for decades on multiple fronts including serving as a principal of the 2011 Florida Secession Convention-Tallahassee, Sesquicentennial of the presentation of the Colors to Tampa’s Sunny South Guards, the Battle of Tampa Sesquicentennial, Past Public Information Officer of the General Jubal A. Early Camp #556 SCV during the 2008 defense of Tampa’s Confederate Memorial Park (“The Flag Site”), a founding Board Member of the Tampa Bay Sesquicentennial Commission, a founding member of the Gen. Jubal A. Early Camp, founding member of the Judah P. Benjamin Camp and it current 1st Lt. Commander and Adjutant.
In addition to his Camp responsibilities, he currently serves the Florida Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, as Commander of the 9th Brigade.
Aides de Camp
Copyright 20123 Judah P. Benjamin Camp #2210, Sons of Confederate Veterans